We can help you declutter and organize your home, clear out the home of a loved one, or handle your move from start to finish.
We work with clients in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. See if your city or town is in our service area.
Estate & Downsizing Cleanouts
Project managing and helping you pass on belongings responsibly

We'll take away your stuff!
One of the most challenging parts of decluttering is figuring out what to do with the stuff you've decided to let go of.
At the end of every session, we load up our cars with your clutter and find the most environmentally friendly ways to get rid of it.
Your unwanted items might go to Goodwill, Habitat for Humanity, electronics recycling, textile recycling, a local food pantry or animal shelter... No matter where they end up, they are off your hands!
Learn decluttering and organizing skills in a fun and relaxed environment full of hands-on activities. You'll leave feeling equipped and motivated to organize any drawer, closet, and room in your home or office.
Interested in a workshop for your group or organization? Contact me »